If you need almost any kind of geological data for the Gulf Coast, chances are it's in the Cambe Data Library.
Cambe's areas of coverage include Texas RRC Districts 1-6, Louisiana, South Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, State Waters and Offshore Gulf of Mexico.
As a member, you get completion cards, scout tickets and core/paleo information. Simply phone or e-mail Cambe with your log or map request and it will be on its way in just a few hours.
Scout Tickets - Numerous sets acquired from operators and other sources
Completion Cards - Full set with historical cards.
Core/Paleo - SCOOP core analysis and DST records, Hart & Kelley company files, trade acquired, information available from BSEE, and reported cores from scout tickets.
Hearing Maps - Historical hearing maps filed by field for Texas.
Field Maps - Railroad Commission large scale base maps of selected fields.
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